
Students at Indiana State University are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and civil manner. Personal conduct and communication, either directly or indirectly with other students as well as faculty and staff, should conform to the University’s community values and standards. As members of the at-large community, students are encouraged to resolve disagreements through informal, frank, 以及公开讨论. 冲突通常是可以减少的, 如果没有解决, by clearing up misperceptions and misunderstandings. Students are strongly encouraged to resolve any related concerns in this manner. However, the University also recognizes that occasionally more formal processes are needed. 所有这些活动, 无论是正式的还是非正式的, must be carried out by all participants within a framework of good faith and general respect for one another. Students are encouraged to contact SCI for assistance or guidance in resolving any concerns or conflicts. Conflicts may be resolved through established disciplinary procedures and/or conflict resolution strategies.

请参考 922性行为不端  for matters involving sexual misconduct, relationship violence, or stalking. Students are advised to contact the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Office for questions related to these matters. 

It is an expectation of the University that students have a reasonable knowledge of and adhere to the following prohibited conduct and policies:

  • 3.1.1暴力/虐待行为 指身体虐待, violence, or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.
  • 3.1.2骚扰/恐吓行为 refers to unwelcome or unreasonable behavior that harasses or intimidates people either as individuals or as a group and is sufficiently severe or pervasive. Harassing behavior is often persistent and part of a pattern, but it can also occur as a single incident. Harassment includes in-person verbal and non-verbal, written, and electronic conduct and behaviors. This behavior can be expressed or implied, creating and/or inciting a foreseeable hostile environment interfering with another person’s personal safety, 财产安全, 学术的努力, 就业, or participation in the university community.  This behavior may also include behavior that leads another to have a reasonable apprehension that such harm will occur. In no event shall this provision be used to discipline a student for speech protected by the first amendment of the United States Constitution.  ISU values the principles of freedom of expression and academic freedom, even when speech or academic discourse is uncomfortable and challenging. However, speech that is discriminatory and harassing is not protected and will be subject to investigation and possible disciplinary action.
  • 3.1.3 Hazing is prohibited in connection with the activities of students and student organizations. Hazing shall be defined as any conduct which subjects another person, 是否身体, mentally, 在情感上, 或心理上, 对任何可能滥用的东西, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with an organization or group (formal or informal), regardless of the person's consent or lack of consent. 
  • 3.1.4限制活动 refers to any activity that limits or restricts a person(s) against his/her own will and/or restricts his/her freedom of movement.


Room 821